Ayer Menged Pre-Primary & Primary School

This school is located in Hidassie, on the outskirts of Bahir Dar. The residents are mostly poor people from developed built up areas around downtown Bahir Dar who have relocated. The area was not heavily populated prior to the relocations so there were no schools within a 45 minute walking distance from any home.  This project is in response to a long-standing demand from parents for access to education, and in particular to Partners for its high-quality holistic approach to education.

The school opened in 2022 with enrolment of 1,200 students over two shifts. Access to preschool and Prek-8 closer to home enables children to use the time they would otherwise spend walking to the nearest school for studying and assisting their parents in household chores. Access to their labor after school hours will encourage parents to send their children to school, and keep them there.  Parents will also be encouraged to send their preschooler children who couldn’t even have tried to trek the long distance to the nearest school.

The school also includes a special needs program. It is designed to increase access to, participation, and progression of children with special needs by making the school’s facilities more accessible and more conducive to their learning. The program provides a friendly school environment that promotes better relationships between and among children with special needs and other students and teachers.




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