Birr Adama Pre- Primary & Primary School
Birr Adama Pre-Primary & Primary School is a joint project of Partners, the Bahir Dar University ,and a local community in the Quarit Woreda of West Gojjam Zone. The school had falling classrooms, no library and no science lab. Teachers did not have any in-service training and were predominantly using the lecture and rote teaching method. Partners replaced existing buildings with 16 new cement block, well ventilated classrooms; new desks; a library with reference, fiction and self-help books; a laboratory with science kits; an admin block with a teacher resource centre, offices, and an IT room. The new classrooms have reduced the class size from an average of 61 in each shift to 50.
Teachers have embraced the new pedagogy and student achievement measures have greatly improved. A well has been dug to provide water both for drinking and irrigation, and planting of multi-purpose trees and establishment of educational vegetable and fruit gardens are underway.