Addis Amba Pre-Primary & Primary School
Addis Amba Pre-Primary & Primary School was opened five years ago with 1002 students. Previously classrooms ranged in size from 76/class in grade 4 to 96/class in grade 3 and roofs and walls were made of corrugated iron sheets. The new 3-storey school, built by Partners in partnership with the Bahir Dar University and the Kebele 14 community/the Bahir Dar City Education Department, will reduce the class size to 50/class and allow children to learn in cement block, well lighted and ventilated facilities.
Students, staff and parents have already begun digging holes around the perimeter of the school property, in which to plant seedlings suitable for fencing. Design of outdoor classrooms and vegetable and fruit gardens have been finalized and planting will commence when the rainy season starts at the end of June/early July.
Teachers continue to be engaged in the teacher training workshops and receiving classroom-based support.