Tis Abay Pre-Primary & Primary School
Tis Abay Primary School (TAPS) serves a number of farming villages in the rural Kebele 30 km Southeast of Bahir Dar. In the current academic year, 728 students (48.8% females) were enrolled in grades 1-4, and a further 83 (50 girls) in kindergarten. The conditions in the school were extremely poor, being dark and dusty, with falling apart, mud-plastered walls. There were not enough combined desks (3 or 4 children per desk) for all of the students, and many were too small to seat older children. The school did not have a latrine, water supply, playground, or library. Teacher quality was also lacking, with teachers indicating that they had received no in-service training. The new school, opened in 2021 has vastly improved all of the previous conditions.
All programs have commenced and the teachers have wholly embraced the experiential learner centred approach.